Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bunny Proofing

The two reasons to bunny proof your house are 1.) protection of property from damage, and 2.) reducing danger for your rabbit.

Wires. Make sure you use either spiral cable wraps, plastic tubing, or split cable tubing to cover up all electrical wires. It is a rabbit's natural instinct to chew through any sort of cord or string. This is so dangerous because a bunny can easily be electrocuted or burned. The three options are all effective but a determined bunny can always find a way to chew through anything that he puts his mind to. So, it's always important to supervise all bunny play times.

Spiral Cable Wraps ($4.50/10 ft)

Spiral cable wraps are pretty intuitive to use. All you do is wrap the spiral around the desired electrical cords or wires. The diameter of the spiral cable wrap is approximately 0.38" so it can probably only cover two wire (maybe three if they are really thin).

Plastic Tubing ($1.79/25 ft)

You can get plastic tubing from any fish or even hardware store. This tubing is typically used in fish tank air filters and water pumps. If you choose to use this, all you have to do is slit the tubing with a blade and tuck your wires into it. If you go to the hardware store, there should be a wider selection of tubes and you can choose the appropriate diameter for your needs.

Split Cable Tubing ($5.50/5 ft)

This is essentially the plastic tubing but it has already been slit. It's made of heavy duty plastic for outdoor use. Even if it's a little more expensive, it's a little more durable. The diameter of this tubing is 0.5" so it can fit a good amount of cords.

Deadly House Plants. There are some house plants that are poisonous to your rabbit. Make sure that he is not allowed to eat any of the following:

- Aloe Vera
- Amaryllis
- Flamingo Lily
- Angel Wing Begonia
- Chrysanthemums
- Kaffir Lily
- Poinsettia
- English Ivy
- Hydrangea
- Azalea

There are obviously other poisonous plants so be careful of what you let your bunny munch on!

Furniture. Rabbits love to chew on wood and they like to hide under couches where they can make a nest out of the underside of your cushions. To deter your rabbit from chewing on your nice sofa, put up blockades so that he cannot access the area. Also, put pieces of wood or cardboard that your rabbit is permitted to chew in front of your blockade so that he has something to chew that won't get him in trouble.

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